Perioral Dermatitis Symptoms
Written by Megan Kinder with information gathered from and other sources. [email protected]
Perioral Dermatitis Treatment
The treatment for Perioral Dermatitis is similar to the method applied in curing Acne Vulgaris. The only difference lies in the non-use of topical steroids. Only those skin creams are used that do not contain steroids. These include ointments like erythromycin, metronidazole, tacrolimus and pimecrolimus. These provide fast relief to the skin and are applied regularly for many months to prevent recurrence of the disorder.
If patients are found to use steroidal creams and lotions, they are discontinued.
In very serious cases, oral antibiotics like minocycline, tetracycline and erythromycin are used. These are used for 1 ½ to 3 months to reduce inflammation
Perioral Dermatitis Natural Treatment
The rashes can be controlled and even cured by practicing some natural remedies at home :
- Wash the affected skin area with warm water. Apply a soap substitute over this.
- Minimize the use of cosmetics and moisturizers. If possible, you should stop using these creams till your symptoms reduce.
- Stop using toothpastes that contain anti-tartar ingredients and fluoride until the rashes disappear. To prevent Perioral Dermatitis toothpaste change can work well along with medications.
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