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anne-catherine uteda atopic dermatitis atopic eczema aurelia sawyer bexley lester causes causes of neurodermatitis cbybmnhgswkk charli ruiz comparisons contact dermatitis cradle cap cure darius strong dentitox dermatitis dermatitis herpetiformis dermatitis information dermatitis on feet diagnosis discoid eczema eczema eczema nummular eczema nummular treatment foot dermatitis foot dermatitis risk factors foot dermatitis signs and symtoms fpothoihdt genetic factors gia warner google gravitational dermatitis hand eczema hanna hayden herpes zoster hives how is neurodermatitis diagnosed how is nummular dermatitis diagnosed infant infantile seborrheic dermatitis infantile seborrheic dermatitis vs. eczema information on dermatitis herpetiformis itching itchy skin iytgmukhvbqcdcuy jomjiwxrdoayuaybulrex julius velez lichenoid dermatitis lichenoid dermatitis information lrcondpdwrflsdwk lukas morse mercy blackburn molluscum contagiosum molluscum contagiosum treatment molluscum dermatitis neurodermatitis npdfmxcxtltxkytmvfdprel nummular signs and symptoms nummular dermatitis nummular eczema nummular eczematous dermatitis nummular treatment occupational eczema okinawa flat belly tonic perioral dermatitis perioral dermatitis natural cure perioral dermatitis cure psoriasis resurge risk factors risk factors of neurodermatitis rzechinmubzcvqwbnh scalp psoriasis seborrheic dermatitis shingles shingles symptoms shingles treatment signs and symptoms signs and symptoms of neurodermatitis spongiotic dermatitis stasis dermatitis stasis dermatitis signs and symptoms stasis dermatitis treatment steel the cause of eczema tjofkltdpswz treatment treatment for neurodermatitis treatments tyoofssqeqbvqymvef urticaria venostasis dermatitis venous eczema venous stasis dermatitis venous stasis dermatitis treatment waylen leach wmjmwcbtxnrofajeibyprfot xqntstuqjnrmhveutjlulr yuytutlfminw
  • What is a Dermatologist?
    A dermatologist is the medical expert you should consult if you have any significant problem with your skin. Dermatology is the science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Stasis Dermatitis
    Developing in the lower legs, this common eczema occurs when circulation becomes sluggish. Poor blood flow causes fluids to build up, and the legs swell. Over time, this build up of fluids affects the skin, causing a rash that usually itches, painful sores, as well as thinning and discolored skin. Effective treatment involves treating not only the dermatitis but the circulatory problem as well.
  • Nummular Dermatitis
    Often appearing after a skin injury, such as a burn, abrasion, or insect bite, the hallmark of this common eczema is unique, coin-shaped (nummular) or oval lesions. One or many patches can develop that may last for weeks or months.
  • Hand Dermatitis (Eczema)
    Hand dermatitis is not one specific type of eczema as is atopic dermatitis or seborrheic dermatitis. Any type of eczema that develops on the hands can be classified as “hand dermatitis.” Why this special classification? Hand dermatitis often has unique causes — frequently job-related — and can require special treatment considerations.
  • 5 Natural Cure for Eczema
    There are all sorts of eczema treatments, some people are told simply not to scratch and many have been given steroid creams. But have you found that after you finish the course of medication, it just keeps coming back? Rather than dampen the symptoms, this article discusses 5 simple steps you can take to get to the root of the problem and beat eczema forever.
  • The Cause of Eczema: What You Weren't Told
    Cork MJ. The importance of skin barrier function. Journal of Dermatological Treatment (1997) 8;S7-S13
    No one really knows what causes eczema. However, we do know that people with eczema have skin that is different. Normal skin pretty much takes care of itself, never really causing us too much trouble. It's the largest organ of your body, flexible, relatively waterproof, keeps you warm or cool by regulating body temperature, and protects you from tiny organisms and infections.
  • What is an allergy?
    Megan Kinder
    Over 4 million people scour the internet each month asking the same question: "What is an allergy?" Most commonly, an allergy refers to a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, esp. pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.
  • How do you get Eczema?
    Gathered from medical journals, credible websites, and encyclopedias.
    Some common triggers are food, environmental factors, man made things or personal things. Some foods which tend to trigger eczema like eggs, alcohol, nuts, wheat, food additives, etc. Atopic eczema does tend to run in families so the tendency to get eczema, like asthma, is inherited.
  • Genetic factors of Atopic Eczema
    Megan Kinder
    Research suggests that atopic eczema is largely an inherited condition. This means that the cause lies in the genes that you inherit from your parents.
  • Rhus Dermatitis
    Megan Kinder
    Rhus dermatitis is a type of allergic skin reaction that occurs when a person comes into contact with oils secreted by certain types of plants.
  • Best Treatment for Psoriasis
    Beth W. Orenstein
    Looking for the BEST treatment for psoriasis? Please keep in mind that some people are more sensitive to some ingredients than others. If you're not sure how you'll react to a product, test it on a small area of skin before using it.
  • Treat Psoriasis
    Megan Kinder
    The 5 most common ways to Treat Psoriasis
  • Plaque Psoriasis Treatment
    Information gathered from EMedicineHealth, Enbrel, Stelara, WebMD, Medscape, and the National Psoriasis Foundation
    1.5 million Americans suffer from moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, the most common form of psoriasis. It is a lifelong disease involving the immune system that causes red, scaly patches to appear on the skin. There are different types of psoriasis, including plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular and erythrodermic.
  • What does psoriasis look like?
    Dermatitis Information
    If you're wondering what psoriasis looks like, we'll show you.
  • Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment
    Published here for informational purposes as authorized by the American Academy of Dermatology (http://www.aad.org/skin-conditions/dermatology-a-to-z/psoriatic-arthritis/diagnosis-treatment)
    How is psoriatic arthritis treated? Today, there are many treatment options, often including several of the following: Therapy (physical, occupational, massage), Patient education, Exercise and rest, Devices to protect joints, Medicine, Surgery.
  • Psoriasis Wiki
    Psoriasis - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease that affects the skin. It is typically a lifelong condition. There is currently no cure, but various treatments can help to control the symptoms. Here's how to find and contribute to Psoriasis Wiki.
  • Guttate Psoriasis
    Psoriasis and Other Papulosquamous Diseases. In: Habif TP, ed. Clinical Dermatology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2009: chap 8.
    The word "Guttate" means "drop" in Latin. Guttate psoriasis is a skin condition in which small, red, and scaly teardrop-shaped spots appear on the arms, legs, and middle of the body. The good news is, that this is a relatively uncommon form of psoriasis. The condition often develops very suddenly, usually after an infection, most notably strep throat. Guttate psoriasis is not contagious, which means it cannot spread to other people
  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis Images, Causes, Symptons, & Treatment
    Written by Katie Information gathered from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002451 and http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001480.htm
    Dermatitis Herpetiformis is an itchy rash made up of bumps and blisters. It's a chronic rash, it continues over a long period of time.
  • Cercarial Dermatitis: What to Know about Treatment
    Information mostly gathered from Stanford University.
    Cercarial dermatitis is an uncomfortable, but not life-threatening rash, the severity of which can range from a nuisance to interfering with normal activities. Minutes to hours after contact with cercariae infested water, a person may experience a prickling sensation or itchiness where cercariae penetrate the skin. Within 12 to 24 hours, a macular rash develops on the skin that was exposed to the water.
  • Psoriasiform Dermatitis Treatment
    Dr. Damian Cornacchia
    It is hard to find a direct answer about the specific area of Psoriasiform Dermatitis Treatment. However, when asked a more general question, "Is dermatitis treatable?" Dr. Damian Cornacchia answered: In most cases, Dermatitis is treatable, but there are many different reasons for dermatitis, i.e. infection rash, sunburn, chemical exposure. Dermatitis is a broad term meaning "inflammation of the skin". Depending on the cause will determine the treatment.
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