Spongiotic Dermatitis Treatment
Written by Megan Kinder [email protected]
Spongiotic dermatitis is a type of eczema that results in patches of itchy, red skin. The exact cause of spongiotic dermatitis is unknown, but it is thought to be related to an overactive immune system. Spongiotic dermatitis is more common in people who have a history of allergies or other autoimmune conditions. There is no cure for spongiotic dermatitis, but the condition can be managed with medication and lifestyle changes.
Spongiotic Dermatitis is not much more than acute eczema and you should not let the terminology frighten you. You’ll find this rather nasty red rash affects predominantly your chest, stomach and buttocks, all areas which are not often on open display in public! Whilst acute spongiotic dermatitis can be irritating in the extreme, the correct spongiotic dermatitis treatment should assist you in avoiding acute outbreaks of the condition.
A large part of initial spongiotic dermatitis treatment involves avoidance. Avoidance of known skin irritants be they chemicals in washing powders, elements in clothing or components of foods is all part of spongiotic dermatitis treatment if one subscribes to the view that prevention is better than cure. You also need to start monitoring all substances that trigger the rashes.
OK... so how do I seek Spongiotic Dermatitis Treatment?
Once you have been diagnosed with the condition, spongiotic dermatitis treatment will usually commence with the application of topical skin creams and lotions prescribed by your doctor. In other words, if you have spongiotic dermatitis, your doctor may prescribe a topical corticosteroid or an oral antihistamine to help relieve your symptoms. Medications containing menthol as well as corticosteroid preparations are both used in spongiotic dermatitis treatment.
As many food sources contain allergens that can trigger a flare up of this type of dermatitis, you will definitely be required to monitor your diet. Once your doctor has done the necessary and prescribed the medications that will soothe your rash, you actually become responsible for your own spongiotic dermatitis treatment by monitoring the various substances that seem to cause the outbreaks.
If you are experiencing regular outbreaks, for example, and continuously having to return to your doctor, you can assist the doctor by supplying a list of what you have eaten, worn, been around in the days prior to the outbreak. Food allergy appears to be the most prevalent of the irritants and so a change in diet may well be called for in your particular version of spongiotic dermatitis treatment.
Do I have to change my diet as part of my Spongiotic Dermatitis Treatment?
Changing your diet as one means of spongiotic dermatitis treatment may mean that you need to concentrate more on whole foods and natural foods as opposed to processed and pre-prepared foods. It may merely mean that you need to educate yourself fully on the various components in the foods you eat thus enabling you to cut out those recurring items that appear to trigger outbreaks of the rash. This will often be a trial and error process and you will need some patience. The success of controlling the outbreaks of an ugly red and itchy rash should be a great motivator in assisting you with your spongiotic dermatitis treatment. Take up the challenge and educate yourself on all aspects of dermatitis.
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