Foot Dermatitis Symtoms
Written by Megan Kinder, with information gathered from credible sources, research, and user submissions - mostly the American Academy of Dermatology. [email protected]
Foot Dermatitis Symtoms
- Small, deep blisters can form on the feet, especially the soles, and can be a sign of foot dermatitis.
- Intense burning or itching can be a foot dermatitis symtom.
- Inflamed skin (reddish and hot to the touch) can be a sign of foot dermatitis.
- Cracking and peeling skin can be a symtpm of foot dermatitis.
- Affected areas may sweat excessively, and can be a sign of foot dermatitis.
- Skin may become infected, causing oozing blisters and crusts.
- Skin between the fingers can soften; skin may feel spongy -- this can be a sign of foot dermatitis.
- Nail changes if dyshidrotic dermatitis persists for a long time. The toenails can develop ridges and pitting. The nails may thicken and discolor, and this is often a symptom of foot dermatitis.
- Sometimes as the skin clears, the skin peels and a new crop of blisters appear, and can be a sign of foot dermatitis.
- Extensive peeling and cracking in severe cases
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